
# 2022-12-28 10:42

The new Open Media Vault 6 uses Debian 11 as the base system. And for a long time, Virtual Box didn’t support it. After it did, everyone whose using OMV6 has gone to the KVM platform for virtualization needs. And for the cause of that, everything related to this topic is either fractions or incomplete. I have tried KVM for a short time, and the overall experience of that is just something off for me. So I am doing this with Virtual Box again and writing this down for later use, or maybe it just helps...

# 2022-05-25 12:22

非常感谢小赵同学给我反馈的这个 Bug 🙌🙌


# 2021-11-12 07:12

用Applescript + Launchctl 实现自定义的动态壁纸,实现任意时刻更新壁纸内容,做到全天候壁纸内容跟着时间走。

# 2021-09-30 07:08


The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available.


# 2021-09-01 10:28

我尝试了用官方的直装系统(4G+那个),然后自已升级系统;也试了VirtualBox (但VirtualBox 在Mac 上是真的好难用🌚)因为太不好用就缷了。最后还是回来用Parallels 了。不过在安装Parallels Tools 时发现怎么装都装不上。。


# 2021-07-20 07:23

EDI 全称是Electronic data interchange, 即电子数据交换。在传统企业里,很多流程上的操作或者通信一般是由纸质媒介完成的,比如说采购订单、发票、订单同步之类的。但由于纸质媒介一切传播全靠人手,就会带来很多不可避免的缺点,比如说操作及同步信息慢、人力及物力资源消耗大等等。EDI 的出现就是为了解决纸质交互带来的缺点。它可以极大地提高业务效率、更快地同步各种状态及信息、减少纠错流程、接近实时地访问信息,最重要的是它可以省钱…

# 2021-07-05 16:44

事情是介样滴,因为我是个Vim 重度使用者了差不多。。

但在大部分系统上能安装到的或者自带的都是比较老的版本,可能是7.x 之类的。也或者是你需要使用到Vim 的某些特性或者功能,但别人帮你Build 好的程序并没有启用,这就很尴尬了。


# 2022-12-28 10:42

The new Open Media Vault 6 uses Debian 11 as the base system. And for a long time, Virtual Box didn’t support it. After it did, everyone whose using OMV6 has gone to the KVM platform for virtualization needs. And for the cause of that, everything related to this topic is either fractions or incomplete. I have tried KVM for a short time, and the overall experience of that is just something off for me. So I am doing this with Virtual Box again and writing this down for later use, or maybe it just helps...

# 2022-05-25 12:22

非常感谢小赵同学给我反馈的这个 Bug 🙌🙌


# 2021-11-12 07:12

用Applescript + Launchctl 实现自定义的动态壁纸,实现任意时刻更新壁纸内容,做到全天候壁纸内容跟着时间走。

# 2021-09-30 07:08


The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available.


# 2021-09-01 10:28

我尝试了用官方的直装系统(4G+那个),然后自已升级系统;也试了VirtualBox (但VirtualBox 在Mac 上是真的好难用🌚)因为太不好用就缷了。最后还是回来用Parallels 了。不过在安装Parallels Tools 时发现怎么装都装不上。。


# 2021-07-20 07:23

EDI 全称是Electronic data interchange, 即电子数据交换。在传统企业里,很多流程上的操作或者通信一般是由纸质媒介完成的,比如说采购订单、发票、订单同步之类的。但由于纸质媒介一切传播全靠人手,就会带来很多不可避免的缺点,比如说操作及同步信息慢、人力及物力资源消耗大等等。EDI 的出现就是为了解决纸质交互带来的缺点。它可以极大地提高业务效率、更快地同步各种状态及信息、减少纠错流程、接近实时地访问信息,最重要的是它可以省钱…

# 2021-07-05 16:44

事情是介样滴,因为我是个Vim 重度使用者了差不多。。

但在大部分系统上能安装到的或者自带的都是比较老的版本,可能是7.x 之类的。也或者是你需要使用到Vim 的某些特性或者功能,但别人帮你Build 好的程序并没有启用,这就很尴尬了。


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Power by React, GraphQL
Design by Puls Garney
Version: 3.1.6

Copyright © 2017-2025 Puls Garney
All Rights Reserved.